폴 파웰즈
Paul Pauwels
대표/총괄책임자 (Owner/Managing Direcor)
THE BLOODY TRUTH (2014) 52’ documentary, director: Carl Gierstorfer
In co-roduction with Docdays(Germany) and Yuzu Productions (France)

ON THE E-WASTE TRAIL (2014) 52’ documentary, director: Cosima Dannoritzer
In co-production with Media 3.14 (Spain)

LIFE ALMOST WONDERFUL (2013) 75’ documentary, director: Svetoslav Draganov
In co-production with Cineaste Maudit (Bulgaria)

NIGHT TALKS (2004) 52’ documentary, director: Margareta Hruza
In co-production with Negativ Film Prague

SWORN VIRGINS (2004) 52’ documentary, director: Agnes Bert
In co-production with Alamagordo France

REQUIEM FOR A CUP FINAL (2005) 90’ documentary, director: Lode Desmet
In co-production with BBC, VRT, RTBF,
Rai Educational and the Media Plus programme of the European Union

THE TWELVE MUDJAHEDIN (2005) 52’ documentary, director: David Ofel
in co-production with Idan Regev Productions - Israel

THE BLESSED HOUSE (2005) 52’ documentary, director: Daniel Syrkin
in co-production with Dana Eden Productions - Israel

WHITE KING, RED RUBBER, BLACK DEATH (2004) 52’ 75’ documentary, director: Peter Bate
in collaboration with BBC, ZDF/ARTE, TV2 ? Denmark, IKON, SBS, VRT, RTBF,VAF, YLE
Nominated for the EBU Golden Link competition (3rd prize)
Selected for competition in the Jerusalem Film Festival (2004)
Selected in competition for the Leipzig Film Festival (2004)
Amongst 8 final candidates for the Grierson Awards 2004
Selected for the African Diaspora Festival New York (2004)

TINTIN ET MOI (2003)52’ documentary, director: Anders Ostergaard
in co-production with Angel Films (Denmark), Moulinsart (Belgium), Dune (France), Leapfrog (Suisse)
Selected for numerous festivals worldwide
KDN에게 보내는 메시지

처음 한국을 방문했을 때는 한국에 어떤 다큐 창작자들이 있는지, 한국 미디어 환경에서 다큐가 어떠한 위상을 가지고 있는지 전혀 몰랐습니다. 재능과 열정이 넘치는 한국 창작자들을 만났는데, 대부분 독립창작자로 일하고 있어서 다큐멘터리 장르의 공익성을 대변하거나 세계시장에 진출하는데 어려움이 많았습니다. 그런 환경이 크게 변화한 것에 대해 기쁘게 생각합니다. KDN이 한국 다큐멘터리를 홍보하고, 재능있는 창작자들을 결집하고, ‘너의 성공이 곧, 나의 성공’이라는 마음으로 정보를 공유하는 공동체로 자리 잡았습니다. KDN의 역할은 너무도 중요합니다. 명예회원으로 초대된 것을 매우 영광으로 생각하며, 이제 저는 저를 항상 환영해준 한국 다큐멘터리 가족들의 일원이 되었습니다. 모두에게 행운을 기원합니다.

Paul’s Message to KDN

When I first set foot on Korean soil, I was completely ignorant about who the Korean documentary filmmakers were and what place documentaries occupied in the Korean media landscape. I met many talented and enthusiastic professionals but mainly acted as individuals, which made them vulnerable and poorly equipped to defend the local interests of the documentary genre or to bring Korean films to the international market. Today, I’m delighted to see that this has changed, and the Korean Documentary Network has taken it upon itself to act as de promotor of Korean documentaries, to bring together the country’s talents and to share information amongst its members in the spirit of “your success is my success, my success is your success”. I can’t emphasize enough how vital KDN’s work is. I’m very honored to have been invited to become an Honorary Member and consider myself now as a member of the Korean documentary family that always offered me such a warm welcome. Best of luck to all of you.
About Paul

Paul has 45+ years of experience in the world of audiovisual production. From May 2013 to April 2019, he served as the managing director of the non-profit organization European Documentary Network (EDN). He is a highly respected mentor, tutor, and producer who has made significant contributions in nurturing independent documentary filmmakers in the world. Over the last decade, Paul has helped out numerous Korean documentarians as a teacher, mentor, and dear friend. We have benefited so much from his expertise and kind advice for many years. We are so happy to bring him in as an honorary member of KDN.
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