이마무라 켄이치 |
IMAMURA Ken-ich |
총괄프로듀서 (Executive Producer)
NHK 엔터프라이즈 (NHK Enterprises Inc.) kenichi.imamura@gmail.com
Selected Works of Co-Production
Disappearing Village by Megumi Inman - UK, Japan (2022) After the Rain by FAN Film Studio - China (2021) The Struggle of ICU Doctors in Wuhan by Qi Films - China (2020) Dreaming of My Homeland by Cha Escala - Philippines (2019) Kabu, City in the Wind by Silk Road Film Salon - Afghanistan, Nederland (2018) Namaste Korea (Inside Lens) by Upright Media Productions - South Korea (2018) Singing With Angry Bird (Inside Lens) by Upright Media Productions - South Korea (2016) Red Painter (Inside Lens) by SEO Min-won - South Korea (2016) Uncle Joe by BODA Media Group - South Korea (2013) The Game of Desire HORSE FIGHTING by Blue Rhino Pictures - South Korea (2012) Planett of Snail by CreavEAST - South Korea (2011) and many more... |
KDN에 보내는 메시지
저는 2010년부터 한국 창작자들과 일을 해왔습니다. 제가 협업한 첫 작품은 IDFA에서 대상을 받은 ‘달팽이의 별’이었고, 그 다음 작품은 ‘내일도 꼭, 엉클 조’ 였습니다. 한국의 창작자들이 국제 다큐멘터리 인더스트리에서 활발하게 활동을 하기 시작했고, 저는 그들과 협력하면서 많은 것을 배우고 즐겼습니다. 한국 다큐의 커다란 변화를 목격한 것은 동양인으로서 최고의 행운이었다고 생각합니다. KDN이 해외 프로듀서와 감독들이 한국 창작자들과 함께 할 수 있는 기회들을 마련해줄 것이라 믿고 있습니다. 한국의 다큐 산업이 동양을 선도하기를 기대합니다.
IMAMURA’s Message to KDN
I started working with Korean filmmakers in 2010. The first Korean film which I supported was Plane of Snail, which got the Grand Prix at IDFA. Next one was Here Comes Uncle Joe. Since then, Korean filmmakers have been actively joining the international documentary industry. I enjoyed working with Korean filmmakers and producers and learned a lot from them. I believe that I'm the luckiest person in Asia to see this enormous change. I strongly believe that KDN will offer similar chances to overseas producers or filmmakers to work with Korean filmmakers. I hope that the Korean documentary industry has to lead the rest of Asia!
Imamura entered NHK in 1983. He was the commissioning editor of the slot “World Documentary” from 2009 until 2012. Since 2012 he has been working with NHK Enterprises and is in charge of co-production, pre-buy and commission of TV programs, mainly documentaries. He is one of the founders of Tokyo Docs which started in 2011. As a producer of Inside Lens and advisor of Tokyo Docs, he has supported numerous Asian Documentary Filmmakers over a decade. He has shown his sincere love and respect towards Korean filmmakers. He acquired many Korean projects for his 28-minute Inside Lens program. This often helped us filmmakers to develop the project in a more meaningful and interesting way and enabled us to secure more funds to complete a feature length version. His goal has been ‘to connect Asia with the rest of the world through documentaries.” KDN deeply appreciates his dedication and commitment to documentaries.