이정준 |
LEE Jeong-jun |
감독 (Director)
스튜디오 홍시 (Studio HongSee) iskari85@gmail.com
울림의 탄생 (The Birth of Resonance, 2021) |
서울신문STV 보도제작국 PD를 거쳐, 진모영 감독의 <님아, 그 강을 건너지 마오>(2014)의 조감독으로 다큐멘터리 영화에 입문했다. 이후 <바람커피로드>(2016), <올드마린보이>(2017), <나의 노래는 멀리멀리>(2019)의 촬영 및 조감독으로 활약하면서 탄탄한 경험을 다졌다. g학창시절부터 열정을 가져왔던 북과 한국의 전통문화를 소재로 경기무형문화재 30호 임선빈 악기장의 삶과 예술을 조명한 <울림의 탄생>(2020)으로 장편영화 감독으로 데뷔했다. |
Jeong-jun Lee started his training as a filmmaker at the MBC Academy. He took his internship with the highly acclaimed TV documentary director Moyoung Jin who had been preparing his first feature-length documentary at the time. Naturally, Lee became Jin’s right hand man and got deeply involved with the project. This project was ‘My Love, Don’t Cross that River,’ which became the most successful documentary film in Korean history. In a way, this project was a 3-year intensive film school to Lee. Since then, Lee worked on director Jin’s sophomore feature, ‘Old Marine Boy’ and director Jinsik Hyun's feature 'Free my Soul, Free my Song' as an assistant director. He made his feature directorial debut with ‘The Birth of Resonance’ - a beautiful film about a master drum-maker who is a government-endorsed Intangible Cultural Property Artisan. |